Thursday, January 30, 2020

See the Truth, Perceive the Lie Essay Example for Free

See the Truth, Perceive the Lie Essay Nietzsche explains nature as an overall relative to humans; he proposes a potent and significant explanation of the development of language and the realization of concepts. He achieves this by exploiting the successive effects on human awareness. He suggests that originally humans were an artistically creating subject as he puts it. Whose essential human determination is the construction of metaphors? Due to evolution, humankind developed a capacity to reason, distrust, remember, and control. Humans were driven by instincts which established themselves directly into inventive sounds, gestures and metaphors. Humans thereof signify the motivation, which ultimately develops into the base of language. As a result, humans manipulate this metaphor of understanding a stimulus, which may well vary from one to another; as it is totally subjective. The ossification of language begins, these instinctual sounds are combined and expanded throughout a community, and arise to turn into ordered and solid words which in sequence combine into a progressively established language. In such manner, language turns into an unyielding, sum of common notions, perceptions, and ideas. Now, as soon as the reader gets comfortable with Nietzsche’s view of language. Everything changes, language arbitrates amongst the human perception and the reality being sensed, this transition happens when he explains that, in order for us to further study the development of concepts. We need consider that â€Å"every concept arises from the equation of unequal things† which he considers â€Å"cases which are never equal and thus altogether unequal†, in other words, every word immediately becomes a concept exactly to the extent that it is not intended to function as a reminder of the sole and fully individual unique experience to which it owes its source; but it would be better to say, a word converts into a concept in that it all together has to fit a myriad more or less related cases, in which situation if I consider only the boundaries proposed by Nietzsche, I conclude in harmonizing with his point of view. In addition to constructing language, humans likewise form concepts for everything they come across. Nietzsche describes that concepts are groupings wherein the mind unconsciously collects analogous matters into, despite the fact that actually, each person is sole and individualized. Nietzsche gives the example â€Å"Just as it is certain that one leaf is never totally the same as another, so it is certain that the concept leaf is formed by arbitrarily discarding these individual differences and by forgetting the distinguishing aspects†. Wherein one comprehends a leaf, were many have ever been alike who have similar physiognomies thus we classify each one as a leaf. This in my opinion is tremendously subjective as he proves it. Consider the Platonic realism, or even, in metaphysics, a universal. Where it is explained what particular things have in common, namely characteristics or qualities; by Plato these are inherit to our existence and just scaled to what is grasped. But for Nietzsche, humans clutch everything in order to have a certain kind of organization and case inside their personal environment, crafting yet an additional sense of truth. In distinction to the unexpected, unsettled realm of sense, in Nietzsche’s view, the structure of ideas exhibits solid uniformity and breathes out in reason the power and â€Å"coolness† which characterizes mathematics. As Nietzsche declares, no one who has sensed this calm gasp of reason will hardly be certain that even the concept that is as â€Å"bony, foursquare, and transposable as a die† is nonetheless just the â€Å"residue of a metaphor† , and that the impression which is involved in the creative conversion of a nerve stimulus into images, is the foundation of every single concept. But in this sense truth means â€Å"never violating the order of caste and class rank†. This relation of math, logic, and reason with â€Å"truth† is the only case were I wholly come to an agreement with Nietzsche, and wish to point out the importance, especially of math, as a tool used to understand the surrounding world. Nietzsche reasons that concepts do not occur in nature for the reason that each solitary creature and object is individualized and sole in one way or another and as a result, cannot be considered an additional foundation of truth. Essentially, Nietzsche trusts that we ought to take every incentive and consider it according to its distinct features as an alternative of grouping them into concepts. The conceptual order is stratified by a pyramidal order according to castes and degrees, the creation of a new world of laws, privileges, subordinations, and clearly marked boundaries†. The conceptual direction challenges humanity as more dense, more general, better recognized, a â€Å"new world†. This new world as Nietzsche describes â€Å"seeks a new realm and another channel for its activity, and it finds this in myth and in art generally†. This determination constantly puzzles the conceptual categories and groups by bringing onward new changes, metaphors, and metonymies. It persistently shows a passionate need to alter the world which presents itself to humans, so that it will remain as â€Å"colorful, irregular, lacking in results and coherence, charming, and eternally new as the world of dreams†. But there is one detail left unnoticed by Nietzsche. The tendency of humans to rule over one’s kind. Governments, religions, all bring forth ranks, classes, castes. Every human under such parent, directly or indirectly is never able to freely sense â€Å"truth† in its most accessible form so to build upon it, which results in the imprisonment and trickery forced upon such humans into building up on virtual, man-made â€Å"truths†. Nietzsche considers this environment of fixed concepts is in need of an insolent, inventive reply. â€Å"But man has an invincible inclination to allow himself to be deceived D and is, as it were, enchanted with happiness when the rhapsodist tells i him epic fables as if they were true, or when the actor in the theater acts more royally than any real king. So long as it is able to deceive without injuring, that master of deception, the intellect, is free; it is released from its former slavery and celebrates its Saturnalia. † he endorses an existential valor that declines the power of the conceptual order, its sanctions and embargos, and its inevitabilities. This transition is one from sanction to character. The artistic determination is not strictly defeated but hardly restrained. In other words, this enormous charter and laying of concepts to which the penurious man grips his entire existence so that he may reserve himself is but a framework and puppetry for the most daring acts of the freethinking intellect. In a few words, I myself do not completely agree with Nietzsche on the matter of language and concepts. If for example we take into consideration any other intelligent species on our planet besides humans, we can clearly note that a form of communication exists between them, and furthermore there exist a primitive form of conceptualization. If for example dogs are considered, it is evident that dogs are clearly able to communicate with each other, even with humans at some degree; this could be a form of language (for them). Again dogs, can obviously distinguish a car from a human, they can even tell apart humans from one to another as a dog will not attack his owner, or even the owners friends and family, when guarding the house. In my opinion this demonstrates how it is natural to manifest language and concepts, which shows that it is nature’s choice to be projected to us in such manner. Nietzsche’s sole target, in my understanding, is to demonstrate that language, concepts, truths, and lies are all unreal, just a view, since humans were the ones who fashioned language and in sequence, concepts, which in Nietzsche’s opinion do not truly exist in nature. Instead, we use it to sort and organize our own surroundings while using it as a way to cooperate with other humans. But if we really wish to be so subjective about our surroundings then even Nietzsche is wrong. If we really aim to judge what is true and what is not, then we should consider a higher form of perception, our brain itself. We see through our eyes, but are these images the actual view of this world? We hear with our ears, but are these sounds really there? We smell with our nose, but is this the actual scent? We feel when we touch, but is there really something there?

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Graduation Speech :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

When I was chosen to speak tonight, I thought that as a track athlete it would be appropriate to compare life to a race. Life is a race, a race to each milestone in our lives. Kindergarten through fifth grade we had just entered ourselves into the race called education. We were about to test our strengths and find our weaknesses. The first day of kindergarten we weren't exactly sure what we were in for. Some of us began to write our names and learn to read, while others ate Elmer's glue and pulled little girls' pigtails -- you know who you are. Middle school was our warm-up and preparation. We stretched ourselves to meet new people and some of them are still sitting next to us today. Our crackling voices and newfound interests in the opposite sex who we usually met at the Skate Deck, distracted us from our upcoming race, but our teachers reminded us that our warm-up in middle school is like the race we would face in high school. We began choosing a path and preparing mentally for the challenge ahead. Freshman year, Mr. Donney's starting gun scared us out of the blocks. We met those we would be running the race with and looked up to those who began the race before us. And for those of us who are in the vertically-challenged front row, including myself, (Sarah, Deja) we literally looked up to them. Some of the challenges we faced as freshman were which lunch line to stand in and deciding which one of the Fleming twins was cuter. To this day that's still a dilemma. Throughout the year, we were forced to pick up speed in order to avoid the traditional freshmen trash can and locker stuffings. Sophomore year, we were finally ahead of others and gaining respect. Having moved up in the race, our timidity vanished, and allowed us to participate in assemblies and other school events. And of course Mr. Dononey scared us again, this time using his biology experiments. Junior year, we were finally upperclassmen. Our race began to fall victim to senioritis a year early. But Mr. Burt's chemistry experiments really lit a fire under us. To this day, I am still not sure if Mr. Burt's eyebrows grew back. And of course, the baseball team drove us to be better. I think they used a Chrysler Minivan, but you'd have to ask Andy, Hal or Beau about that.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Organizational Vision and Visionary Organizations

Upendra Gupta 28-NOV-12 Organizational Vision & Visionary Organizations (Summary) Purpose of the Article: In this article authors presents the importance of vision statement and framework that help any organization in order to achieve successfully and all stakeholders involved focus for targeting common goals. It also shows the importance and need of framework that’s required for organization vision. Most of the organizations focus on vision in order to fulfill their mission statement.Normally all of these vision or mission statements contain so many inspirational words that attract not only employees but outsider investors as well. Organization Vision is something is that’s required compelling, guiding force for mission statement. Terminologies: * Guiding Philosophy: It’s the starting point of vision frame where organization vision focuses on decisions, policies and actions for all phase of evolution. It resides in the background, ever-present and in the woodwor k and it is deep and serene. Core values and Beliefs: These are the organization's basic precepts about what is important in business and life, how business should be conducted, its view of humanity, its role in society, the way the world works, and what is to be held inviolate. It may be focused about customers, people, products and management ; business. * Purpose: It is second part of guiding philosophy and in the woodwork of the organization and is not set or created as much as it is recognized or discovered. * Environment: It serves a moderating role in the translation of purpose into mission.By its very nature, guiding philosophy is generated relatively free of current environmental conditions—it comes from within people. Missions, on the other hand, will be affected by the environment—they are affected by timing, trends, technology, and other external factors. * Tangible Image: Its second major component of vision framework. It is in the foreground, focusing peo ple's attention on a specific goal and also a bold, exciting, and emotionally charged. * Mission: It is a clear and compelling goal that serves to unify an organization's efforts.Mission can be set by 4 approaches: Targeting, Common Enemy, Role Model, and Internal Transformation. * Vivid description: It is an organization’s opportunity to express in detail what it will feel like to achieve their goal. It represents a vibrant, engaging, and specific description of what it will be like when the mission is achieved and provokes emotion and generates excitement. Major Findings or Arguments: * Report what was actually found to be true: Articulating an effective corporate vision can be difficult. However, it’s positively mentioned by author in the article.He advised how and why vision and impudent goals are at the core of â€Å"the stable great company† and reveals the evolution of the visionary organization. He also describes a framework for expressing a vision for y our company. There is significant relationship between visionary major components called guiding philosophy and tangible images. Both of the components also have other elements that pay a key role for vision framework. Author presented few examples like Giro sport design and Merck pharmaceuticals that shows real strength of core values and beliefs along with proper illustration of entire vision framework in actions.Overall, guiding philosophy of the organization becomes operationalized in the tangible image, and it takes organization's expected future environment into account. In Sense, environment serves a moderating role in the translation of purpose into mission. * Criticize them by your own thoughts: I believe that organization creates vision keeping in mind of people interest and deviate the purpose and mission organization supposed to achieve. Balancing act amongst all the components for vision frame needs to align keeping in mind of people, customers, about products and manag ement & business.Organization shouldn’t just concentrate on nice vision or mission statement but also focus on meeting the target by good mean. They should always keep in mind core values and beliefs as it’s important as per any individual perspective and affects a lot if not met under guideline. I also think that a unified organizational vision helps an organization may provide direction and purpose of our core values internally and externally, in a well-articulated and easily understood way Encourages team sprit by building loyalty through involvement and shared commitmentOrganizations need to understand that mission should not be mixed with its purpose. Mission should have finite end line and purpose should be broader way to get next mission of the organization. Few of the organizations like ford and NASA had suffered where their mission met early and nothing was target for later. Authors mentioned that missions should not be limited by the constraints of strategic analysis. Its setting should be proactive, not reactive and strategic analysis should be done after not during the mission-setting process.Without a strong vision, strategic plans might not be properly executed since there is no guiding principle or over bending plan. Methodology As part of the understanding the vision, total 75 organization of small or big, young or Old and for-profit and not-for-profit are chosen that have influenced the development of vision framework. 20 of them are picked up by CEOs of top leading companies for the study that has most visionary organizations that have behaved in visionary ways over long periods of time.Complete analysis done based upon vision provided and achieved by most of the successful organization as how they established their vision and last for 100 years and so. Application of the research: I think this study will be helpful for the organizations who want to present facts through their vision or mission statements. It gives proper guidel ine how it may impact the organizational growth if vision framework components are properly aligned as per market needs and doesn’t satisfy truly organization common goals.Nevertheless, it is clear without a vision statement, an organization's performance and culture would be similar to a ship without a wheel. Organizational vision brings a sense of purpose to an organization. A vision statement acts like a filter which enables the people and management decide what to do and more importantly what not to do in their everyday work life. Questions: 1. How does organization vision gets impacted if leader of the organizations quits and original vision was prepared by him/her? 2.What are the other features than vision framework that distinguish visionary organization? 3. Will this organization vision framework be applicable to each and every country in the world? If not then how will it differ? References: 1. Article 7 Collins_Vision_1991 2. http://www. leadershipreview. org/2008fa ll/article1_fall_2008. asp 3. http://www. scribd. com/doc/109265760/Correlation-Between-Organizational-Thinking-amp-Strategic-Vision 4. http://www. help4nonprofits. com/NP_Bd_MissionVisionValues_Art. htm

Monday, January 6, 2020

Globalization Is An Undeniable Reality Of The Modern World...

Globalization is an undeniable reality of the modern world. That said globalization means different things to different people. The debate about globalization is particularly complex because of the wide variety of ways that globalization affects people. Everyone has a stake in globalization, but some have more power to affect the system than others, Rebecca Todd Peters, in her book In Search of the Good Life, attempts to clarify the debate about globalization by identifying the 4 main viewpoints that exist. She identifies the dominant theories of globalization as neoliberalism and social equity liberalism. The to resistance theories, she characterizes as, earthism and post-colonialism. All the theories have specific proponents, historical contexts, ideologies, and goals for an ideal form of globalization. The goals of Peters’ book are to describe, critique, and provide her normative analysis of each model. She analyzes each model based on their idea of the ‘good life.â €™ She does this by asking three questions: â€Å"What is the position’s understanding of moral agency? †, â€Å"What is humanities purpose –our end, or Telos? †, and â€Å"What constitutes human flourishing?† (Pp. 22). Peters develops her normative analysis by providing answers to these questions based on her perspective and moral values. In the first 2 chapters of the book Peters details the goals of the book, provides some context for globalization, and situates her personal viewpoint. Peters’ normative analysis is basedShow MoreRelatedThe World Is Flat- the Globalization World in the Twenty First Century- Book Review1672 Words   |  7 PagesAssignment Title: Individual Assignment – Book Review Book title: The World Is Flat- the Globalization World in the Twenty First Century Author: Thomas L. Friedman Introduction ‘The World Is Flat- the Globalization World in the Twenty First Century’ is a well written book by Thomas L. 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